
Anticipatory analytics enable you to better plan investments into your future. Which trends and drivers shape your business area in the medium-term, which stumbling blocks should be circumnavigated and where are your opportunities for success? Which strategy do you choose to define first steps realizing successively your vision? Which shock events might occur and how can we prevent them or even productively take advantage of them?

Scenario workshop on the future of German logistics property

Often neglected by the public, logistics property constitutes the backbone of the German economy. In the run-up to the “Day of logistics property” of the German Property Confederation members of the Committee for logistics property will discuss under my methodogolical guidance the potentials and risks of a booming industry in transition.

Scenario study on the training of therapeutic health professions in Germany

A working group consisting of federal and county representatives is expected to soon present a proposition for a new legal framework for the reconstruction of the professional training of therapeutig health professions in Germany. As expert of the Institute for Prospective Analyses, I am elaborating on a study on the future of trainings for physiotherapists, ergotherapists and speech therapists together with Sascha Meinert at the behest of the Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie (DAA).

Scenario workshop “Risiko und Vorsorge” (“risk and prevention”) for CosmosDirekt

On behalf of the Institute for Prospektive Analyses I instructed employees of CosmosDirect how to create their own visions of risk management and prevention in the insurance sector which have been published in the monthly journal “Fokus Money”. More…