In Workshops, Studien und Beratungsgesprächen fördere ich zielgerichtetes und langfristiges Denken in großen Zusammenhängen. Ich denke mich in Ihr Anliegen hinein und begleite Sie auf Ihrem Zukunftspfad.


Ihr Anliegen entscheidet darüber, in welcher Form wir die Zukunft analysieren.
We develop profound future analyses in order to systematically prepare for the uncertainties of an open future. The design of the workshop – e.g. strategy formation, vision building or training – adjusts to your needs....
Weiterlesen "Workshops"
I facilitate reflection processes to enhance research and decision-making. Solid analysis aiming at policy recommendations does not only require profound background knowledge, but also needs to incorporate current trends and the possibility of surprising events....
Weiterlesen "studies"
Anticipatory analytics enable you to better plan investments into your future. Which trends and drivers shape your business area in the medium-term, which stumbling blocks should be circumnavigated and where are your opportunities for success?...
Weiterlesen "consultancy"


Hier eine Auswahl bisheriger Projekte.
State programme “Cosmopolitan Saxony for Democracy and Tolerance”
In a workshop for the Hertie School of Governance experts developed under my guidance scenarios on European security in 2030.
Weiterlesen "State programme “Cosmopolitan Saxony for Democracy and Tolerance”"
Journal “Futures”
With colleagues I discussed alternative developments for the relations between the EU and Ukraine and their policy implications for today....
Weiterlesen "Journal “Futures”"
German Property Federation
In a future workshop for the German Property Federation we reflected on the development of care properties until 2050. See...
Weiterlesen "German Property Federation"
Secondary School Corvey in Hamburg
After sketching scenarios on "Populism in the European Union" the pupils discussed them with classmates, the headmaster and a politician....
Weiterlesen "Secondary School Corvey in Hamburg"



Dr. Thomas Mehlhausen

Heinz-Kapelle-Str. 9

10407 Berlin
