The unification of Europe has established something unique, even though there has never prevailed a consensus on the goal of the common venture. Member states successively delegate competences in order to effectively tackle common challenges and to speak with one voice on the international scene. In which policy fields shall we cooperate more closely and to what extent may every member state preserve its peculiarity? According to which principles are we to self-govern ourself in the European Union? How will the constitutional structure of the EU evolve over time?
Events and publications (selection)
- Scenario workshop: „Die Werte Europas“, Gollwitz Foundation: Gollwitz
- Workshop: „GemEinsam in Europa? – Zeitreisen in das Jahr 2037“, Konrad Adenauer Foundation: Jugendpolitiktag in Aachen
- Seminar including a scenario workshop: „On the legitimation of the European Union”, University of Potsdam: Potsdam
- Publication: „European Union Enlargement“, Routledge: London
- Publication: „The Anomie of EU Eastern Enlargement“, in: M. Wilga; I.P. Karolewski (eds.), New approaches to EU Foreign Policy, London: Routledge, 178-197.